Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Mom's Prayer

I posted this earlier, but it is so powerful and bears repeating.

Choose joy, pray continously, give thanks!

Despite spilt chocolate milk on the carpet, endless squabbles between kids, magic markers on the walls, car repair bills, and sleepless nights, our script needs to be, "If this is the worst thing that happens to me today, it is still a pretty great day!"

Turn down the volume on the playlist and enjoy Lysa's message.

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About Me

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I am a very blessed SAHM. I am blessed with an abundant amount of grace from my Creator and Savior. He has blessed me with an amazing man as my life long best friend, husband and father of our two precious gifts of energy and life. My days are full with the activities of homekeeping, and the joys and adventures of two healthy and energetic kiddos. I am basking in His grace daily.