Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Watermelon, Watermelon

Watermelons are another fun summer memory. Sitting in the backyard on a summer evening, chasing after fireflies and eating sweet,juicy watermelons with my family. I always hated spitting out those little seeds. It just never seemed very ladylike to me. I hear that some people actually enjoy trying to spit the seeds the fartherest! I can't imagine how that is fun or sanitary for that matter,but to each his own. My own kids do LOVE some watermelon! We usually get the seedless at the store but with watermelon season finally here, I think the bigger ones with the seeds will be more cost effective. I just have to teach DD how to remove those pesky seeds discreetly as a young lady should do. As for Little Man, I pray he doesn't discover the so-called joy of spitting seeds or I may be plucking seeds from Sissy's hair.
I did discover a recipe for Watermelon Popsicles. Since we love making popsicles, I thought I will try this one with the kiddos soon. Bonus: NO SEEDS!

Watermelon Popsicles
4 cups watermelon, cut into pieces
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup hot water
2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
Mix sugar and water until the sugar is dissolved. Add lemon juice and stir. Blend melon and liquid mixture in blender. Pour into molds and freeze overnight.

Watermelon Song
(To the Tune of: Are You Sleeping?)

Watermelon, Watermelon,
(Make a circle with your arms.)
On the vine, On the vine,
(Curve hands and arms beside body.)
Sweet and red and juicy, Sweet and red and juicy,
(Rub your tummy.)
Please be mine! Please be mine!
(Palms together as though pleading.)
Watermelon, Watermelon,
(Make a circle with your arms.)
Thump, thump, thump,
Thump, thump, thump,
(Make a thumping movement with thumb and middle finger.)
I think you are ready- I think you are ready-
(Point, resting finger on your temple.)
Big and plump! Bug and plump!
(Make a circle with your arms.)

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About Me

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I am a very blessed SAHM. I am blessed with an abundant amount of grace from my Creator and Savior. He has blessed me with an amazing man as my life long best friend, husband and father of our two precious gifts of energy and life. My days are full with the activities of homekeeping, and the joys and adventures of two healthy and energetic kiddos. I am basking in His grace daily.