Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Girl Time Recipes

Taking time to rediscover the girl in the mommy is important. If you get a chance to have some girl time alone, try some of these treats for your bath time. The girl in you is waiting for a little pampering.

Soothing Herbal Bath Bag

*Muslin or cheesecloth
*Fresh herbs (lavender/rosemary/lemon verbena/chamomile)
*Fine oatmeal or powdered milk, if desired

Cut a circle from a muslin or cheesecloth and place fresh herbs in the center. Add fine oatmeal or powdered milk as a skin softener, if desired. Gather the muslin into a bundle and tie it tightly with ribbon.
Hang the bag from a faucet so the running water releases its fragrance, or dangle it in the water for the duration of your soothing soak.

Lemon Toner
*1/2 c. lemon juice
*1 c. distilled water
*2/3 c. witch hazel

Combine ingredients and mix well. Pour into container. Shake well before each use. Apply with cotton ball or soft cloth.

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I am a very blessed SAHM. I am blessed with an abundant amount of grace from my Creator and Savior. He has blessed me with an amazing man as my life long best friend, husband and father of our two precious gifts of energy and life. My days are full with the activities of homekeeping, and the joys and adventures of two healthy and energetic kiddos. I am basking in His grace daily.