NCC MOPS strives to be self supporting and relying upon the chartering congregation for the charter fees, use of the building and the prayers of the church. Due to the economic stresses many stay-at-home moms are feeling, we choose not to charge the activity fees this year. The fees typically cover a portion of the childcare and supply costs for our meetings. We have done a few fundraisers in the past but those monies will not be able to carry us to the end of the year. So we are going to conduct one large fundraiser in October and perhaps a Spirit Day at Chic-Fil-A in December or after the first of the year. The fundraiser for October is with a group that sponsors MOPS, International. Many MOPS groups around the USA have used them as their primary fundraiser and raise quite sum of monies (often enough to send their leadership team to Convention). The group is called Antiquities. They take sephia pictures of children in overalls, lace dresses bare footed - think Huck Finn. The pictures are very sweet.
Our session time is Halloween weekend. We will take pictures on Saturday morning and if we sale enough we will also take pictures on Thursday and Friday afternoon and evenings. We have the coupons ready for each mom to get and start selling. If each mom can sell at least 10 we should do well. There are some incentives for each of us to sell at least 10, like additional free pictures- the more tickets you sell, the more free pictures you get. (More details to come) The coupons are $10. The parents get a free 10x13 picture. But have the option to buy additional poses and packages at delivery - I am assured that there is no pressure or sales pitch by the representatives! The coupons sales are ours to keep but because we are a MOPS group and booked in October and scheduled pictures for the last weekend-yes, that is Halloween - We have the opportunity to make an additional $200. We do need to sale at least 75 or 80 coupons to assure we have the minimum of 60 sittings scheduled (not everyone who buys evidently ends up scheduling or showing up. These pictures would make wonderful gifts for Christmas and they will be delivered before Christmas to the families. So ask family, friends, neighbors, moms at church, preschool, dance, sports, Scouts,etc. We need name and contact phone number to schedule the sitting times. Checks can be made out to NCC Christian Church. I am excited to partner with this company for our fundraiser and to raise some monies to help provide quality childcare and activities for all of us.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Train Up a Child
"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it." (Proverbs 22:6)
This week talk with your kids about repentance. Repentance involves asking for forgiveness and turning away from the sin (wrong behavior) and moving toward the behavior or attitude that God desires for us. It is literaly a 180 degree turn - an U- turn in our behavior. God provides us with the direction He desires each of us to take in living a life that glorifies Him and will help us have eternal life with Him. It is never too early to teach (often through our own example)kids that we all make mistakes, even as parents, but saying we are sorry to those we wronged and especially to God and then changing our behavior or attitude is so important.Here are a few ideas to help you:
God's Warnings for Us
As you are driving over railroad tracks, discuss the red blinking lights and the barrier bars that come down to prevent people from getting hurt.
Why do the red lights blink and the barrier bars come down? (to signal that a train is coming)
Why do they put these here? (to warn us and to prevent us from getting hit by a train)
God gives warnings to stay away from sin (the wrong things we do) in the Bible. It is important to listen to and obey the warnings.
Try to name some warning from the Bible. ( Do not steal, Do not lie, Do not covet. Have no other gods, etc)
Stop! Drop! Obey?
The Bible has many books about the prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. These books are full of warnings - warnings that apply to us and our kids. The problem is that they wouldn't always listen or obey. (Sound familiar!)
Make the smoke detector alarm go off when everyone is present in the house. (I'm not sure how to do that, but when I turn my oven to 450, unfortunately mine goes off. Maybe I need to clean my oven!)
When everyone has gathered, tell them that was a warning. The smoke detector warns that there is smoke or a fire in the house.
What should you do when the alarm goes off? (get out of the house as quickly as possible)
Why is a warning a good thing? (it gives you a chance to escape danger)
Does God give any warnings? (The Bible is full of God's warnings - the Ten Commandments are a good place to start.)
Why does God give warnings? (to protect and help us to know the best way to live) God does not want anyone to go the wrong way toward sin. That's why the Bible gives warnings, so you can turn from sin and go God's way. There should be a big sign in front of sin that says, "Danger!"
This week talk with your kids about repentance. Repentance involves asking for forgiveness and turning away from the sin (wrong behavior) and moving toward the behavior or attitude that God desires for us. It is literaly a 180 degree turn - an U- turn in our behavior. God provides us with the direction He desires each of us to take in living a life that glorifies Him and will help us have eternal life with Him. It is never too early to teach (often through our own example)kids that we all make mistakes, even as parents, but saying we are sorry to those we wronged and especially to God and then changing our behavior or attitude is so important.Here are a few ideas to help you:
God's Warnings for Us
As you are driving over railroad tracks, discuss the red blinking lights and the barrier bars that come down to prevent people from getting hurt.
Why do the red lights blink and the barrier bars come down? (to signal that a train is coming)
Why do they put these here? (to warn us and to prevent us from getting hit by a train)
God gives warnings to stay away from sin (the wrong things we do) in the Bible. It is important to listen to and obey the warnings.
Try to name some warning from the Bible. ( Do not steal, Do not lie, Do not covet. Have no other gods, etc)
Stop! Drop! Obey?
The Bible has many books about the prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. These books are full of warnings - warnings that apply to us and our kids. The problem is that they wouldn't always listen or obey. (Sound familiar!)
Make the smoke detector alarm go off when everyone is present in the house. (I'm not sure how to do that, but when I turn my oven to 450, unfortunately mine goes off. Maybe I need to clean my oven!)
When everyone has gathered, tell them that was a warning. The smoke detector warns that there is smoke or a fire in the house.
What should you do when the alarm goes off? (get out of the house as quickly as possible)
Why is a warning a good thing? (it gives you a chance to escape danger)
Does God give any warnings? (The Bible is full of God's warnings - the Ten Commandments are a good place to start.)
Why does God give warnings? (to protect and help us to know the best way to live) God does not want anyone to go the wrong way toward sin. That's why the Bible gives warnings, so you can turn from sin and go God's way. There should be a big sign in front of sin that says, "Danger!"
Parenting Tips
Do We Teach Honor or Respect?
When families think about honor, they often restrict their thinking to respectful behavior, being polite, courteous, and having good manners. This is a rather narrow understanding and is only a small portion of what honor actually is. Respectful behavior, although a subset of honor, is incomplete in and of itself. Susie learned manners at an early age. "What a nice girl," people would say. Susie learned acceptable behavior but as she grew older she rebelled against the rules, finding them empty and overly restrictive. Teaching respect is not enough.
Honor comes when you recognize a person's worth or value. Respect focuses on behavior, doing the appropriate thing, whereas honor comes from the heart. Respect acknowledges a person's position, while honor attaches worth to that person. Respect teaches manners and proper behavior in the presence of others. Honor teaches something deeper, an appreciation of that person. Respect can become an outward technique to make a family look good to others, but honor builds the hidden bonds that provide great strength and long-lasting unity. It's one thing to obey the crossing guard out of respect for his position. It's yet another to show honor to him because you know him as a friend.
Although we're making a contrast between respect and honor, don't assume that honor is good and respect is bad. Both have their place. When children are young, they learn respectful behavior, but as they grow older, they can develop a heart response of honor as well. It's good to teach respectful behavior but it's important that you not stop there. Honor adds a deeper dimension to relationships.
Honor deals with meanness in relationships. Honor does a job thoroughly and with a good attitude. Honor looks for what needs to be done before being asked. All children (and adults) need to learn honor. Teaching it makes a big difference in family life.
For more practical ideas on developing honor in your family consider the book, Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes, In You and Your Kids by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller.
When families think about honor, they often restrict their thinking to respectful behavior, being polite, courteous, and having good manners. This is a rather narrow understanding and is only a small portion of what honor actually is. Respectful behavior, although a subset of honor, is incomplete in and of itself. Susie learned manners at an early age. "What a nice girl," people would say. Susie learned acceptable behavior but as she grew older she rebelled against the rules, finding them empty and overly restrictive. Teaching respect is not enough.
Honor comes when you recognize a person's worth or value. Respect focuses on behavior, doing the appropriate thing, whereas honor comes from the heart. Respect acknowledges a person's position, while honor attaches worth to that person. Respect teaches manners and proper behavior in the presence of others. Honor teaches something deeper, an appreciation of that person. Respect can become an outward technique to make a family look good to others, but honor builds the hidden bonds that provide great strength and long-lasting unity. It's one thing to obey the crossing guard out of respect for his position. It's yet another to show honor to him because you know him as a friend.
Although we're making a contrast between respect and honor, don't assume that honor is good and respect is bad. Both have their place. When children are young, they learn respectful behavior, but as they grow older, they can develop a heart response of honor as well. It's good to teach respectful behavior but it's important that you not stop there. Honor adds a deeper dimension to relationships.
Honor deals with meanness in relationships. Honor does a job thoroughly and with a good attitude. Honor looks for what needs to be done before being asked. All children (and adults) need to learn honor. Teaching it makes a big difference in family life.
For more practical ideas on developing honor in your family consider the book, Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes, In You and Your Kids by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller.
Just Desserts
Pudding Crunch
• 1 cup all-purpose flour
• 1/4 cup brown sugar
• 1/2 cup butter, softened
• 1 cup flaked coconut
• 1 (3.4 ounce) package instant pudding, choose any flavor
• 1-3/4 cups milk (for pudding)
• 1/2 pint whipping cream, whipped
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In medium bowl, mix together flour, brown sugar, butter and coconut with hands to a coarse consistency. Turn onto cookie sheet and bake until lightly brown, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes. Remove from oven and cool. Mix pudding mixture according to pie filling instructions and fold in whipped cream. Press half of crunch mixture into the bottom of an 8 inch glass pan, pour pudding over the top and flatten out. Sprinkle remaining crunch mixture over the top and refrigerate.
• 1 cup all-purpose flour
• 1/4 cup brown sugar
• 1/2 cup butter, softened
• 1 cup flaked coconut
• 1 (3.4 ounce) package instant pudding, choose any flavor
• 1-3/4 cups milk (for pudding)
• 1/2 pint whipping cream, whipped
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In medium bowl, mix together flour, brown sugar, butter and coconut with hands to a coarse consistency. Turn onto cookie sheet and bake until lightly brown, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes. Remove from oven and cool. Mix pudding mixture according to pie filling instructions and fold in whipped cream. Press half of crunch mixture into the bottom of an 8 inch glass pan, pour pudding over the top and flatten out. Sprinkle remaining crunch mixture over the top and refrigerate.
What's For Dinner, Mommy?
Crusted Parmesan Chicken
4-6 Breasts skinless, boneless chicken
2 cups grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup mustard
1 stick margarine, melted
1. In glass bowl, mix melted butter and mustard.
2. Place Parmesan chicken in separate bowl.
3. Dip chicken breasts in mustard/butter mixture, then roll in Parmesan cheese.
4. Place single layer of chicken in sprayed glass baking dish.
5. Once all of your chicken is coated and in the pan, pour remaining butter/mustard mixture over top of all chicken.
6. Bake at 350 for 45-60 min until chicken is cooked through.
Serve with mashed potatoes and a steamed vege.
4-6 Breasts skinless, boneless chicken
2 cups grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup mustard
1 stick margarine, melted
1. In glass bowl, mix melted butter and mustard.
2. Place Parmesan chicken in separate bowl.
3. Dip chicken breasts in mustard/butter mixture, then roll in Parmesan cheese.
4. Place single layer of chicken in sprayed glass baking dish.
5. Once all of your chicken is coated and in the pan, pour remaining butter/mustard mixture over top of all chicken.
6. Bake at 350 for 45-60 min until chicken is cooked through.
Serve with mashed potatoes and a steamed vege.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Should We Protect Them
Should I protect my kids from the pain and bad influences of the world or should I let them learn what the world is all about?
It's a good question and the answer is that we do both. Sometimes outside influences undermine the very lessons we're trying to teach our children. Kids imitate others and are sometimes easily drawn into foolishness and negative behavior patterns. Poor role models teach poor responses to conflict, angry reactions to disappointment, and bad attitudes of various kinds. Many children are easily drawn in to inappropriate actions and thinking patterns.
Although protection can be helpful for a period of time, it's also productive to have children see the contrast between their family and those that are falling apart. Furthermore, when your children can take a stand for what's right, others benefit and so do they.
Each child is different and the key questions have to do with character. Is your child responsible? We like to define responsibility as doing what's right even when no one is watching. Can your child take a stand for righteousness even under pressure? If not, then maybe allowing too much freedom too early will hinder instead of help the child's growth and maturity.
Of course, as children become more responsible and mature, they can help others who aren't. Many people lack the basic skills that your children are learning. When they're ready, your kids can be great assets to others who are struggling. When making such important decisions you have to take each child's character into account. Don't measure maturity by age. Use character as your measuring stick.
This tip comes from the book, Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes, In You and Your Kids by Dr Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN. It's a book about honor and talks about how we treat one another inside and outside the family.
It's a good question and the answer is that we do both. Sometimes outside influences undermine the very lessons we're trying to teach our children. Kids imitate others and are sometimes easily drawn into foolishness and negative behavior patterns. Poor role models teach poor responses to conflict, angry reactions to disappointment, and bad attitudes of various kinds. Many children are easily drawn in to inappropriate actions and thinking patterns.
Although protection can be helpful for a period of time, it's also productive to have children see the contrast between their family and those that are falling apart. Furthermore, when your children can take a stand for what's right, others benefit and so do they.
Each child is different and the key questions have to do with character. Is your child responsible? We like to define responsibility as doing what's right even when no one is watching. Can your child take a stand for righteousness even under pressure? If not, then maybe allowing too much freedom too early will hinder instead of help the child's growth and maturity.
Of course, as children become more responsible and mature, they can help others who aren't. Many people lack the basic skills that your children are learning. When they're ready, your kids can be great assets to others who are struggling. When making such important decisions you have to take each child's character into account. Don't measure maturity by age. Use character as your measuring stick.
This tip comes from the book, Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes, In You and Your Kids by Dr Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN. It's a book about honor and talks about how we treat one another inside and outside the family.
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
This week take a few minutes to discuss God's everlasting greatness and goodness with this family devotional idea.
On a clear, moonless night, a thousand or more stars are visible.
Five of our solar system's eight planets, a few star clusters, a spiral galaxy, and the odd bright comet are visible, too. (Depending on the age level of your kids, Google stargazing for more tips.)
With the advent of telescopes, very many previously unknown stars were discovered. Galileo using his homemade telescope, saw a ten-fold increase in the number of visible stars, up to 30,000.
Today, the local Milky Way galaxy (of which our sun is a part) has been found to contain 200,000 million stars. What an astounding result! If somebody could count three stars per second, after 100 years he would have counted less than five percent of this number.
The total number of stars in the observable universe is estimated to be 1025
(1 followed by 25 zeros). Nobody knows the actual number.
(Go to for more amazing star facts.)
Who made the stars? (God - read Genesis 1:16)
Psalm 147:4 says that God knows the number of the stars and he calls them all by their names.
In Psalm 8:3, David said, "When I consider Your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained; What is man, that You are mindful of him? and the son of man, that You visit him?
Say a prayer of praise to God for His great wisdom and power in creating the stars.
Source: Splink
On a clear, moonless night, a thousand or more stars are visible.
Five of our solar system's eight planets, a few star clusters, a spiral galaxy, and the odd bright comet are visible, too. (Depending on the age level of your kids, Google stargazing for more tips.)
With the advent of telescopes, very many previously unknown stars were discovered. Galileo using his homemade telescope, saw a ten-fold increase in the number of visible stars, up to 30,000.
Today, the local Milky Way galaxy (of which our sun is a part) has been found to contain 200,000 million stars. What an astounding result! If somebody could count three stars per second, after 100 years he would have counted less than five percent of this number.
The total number of stars in the observable universe is estimated to be 1025
(1 followed by 25 zeros). Nobody knows the actual number.
(Go to for more amazing star facts.)
Who made the stars? (God - read Genesis 1:16)
Psalm 147:4 says that God knows the number of the stars and he calls them all by their names.
In Psalm 8:3, David said, "When I consider Your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained; What is man, that You are mindful of him? and the son of man, that You visit him?
Say a prayer of praise to God for His great wisdom and power in creating the stars.
Source: Splink
What's For Dinner, Mommy?
Crusted Parmesan Chicken
4-6 Breasts skinless, boneless chicken
2 cups grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup mustard
1 stick margarine, melted
1. In glass bowl, mix melted butter and mustard.
2. Place Parmesan chicken in separate bowl.
3. Dip chicken breasts in mustard/butter mixture, then roll in Parmesan cheese.
4. Place single layer of chicken in sprayed glass baking dish.
5. Once all of your chicken is coated and in the pan, pour remaining butter/mustard mixture over top of all chicken.
6. Bake at 350 for 45-60 min until chicken is cooked through.
Serve with mashed potatoes, a fresh veggie or salad and some crescent rolls.
4-6 Breasts skinless, boneless chicken
2 cups grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup mustard
1 stick margarine, melted
1. In glass bowl, mix melted butter and mustard.
2. Place Parmesan chicken in separate bowl.
3. Dip chicken breasts in mustard/butter mixture, then roll in Parmesan cheese.
4. Place single layer of chicken in sprayed glass baking dish.
5. Once all of your chicken is coated and in the pan, pour remaining butter/mustard mixture over top of all chicken.
6. Bake at 350 for 45-60 min until chicken is cooked through.
Serve with mashed potatoes, a fresh veggie or salad and some crescent rolls.
Girl Time Recipes
Taking time to rediscover the girl in the mommy is important. If you get a chance to have some girl time alone, try some of these treats for your bath time. The girl in you is waiting for a little pampering.
Soothing Herbal Bath Bag
*Muslin or cheesecloth
*Fresh herbs (lavender/rosemary/lemon verbena/chamomile)
*Fine oatmeal or powdered milk, if desired
Cut a circle from a muslin or cheesecloth and place fresh herbs in the center. Add fine oatmeal or powdered milk as a skin softener, if desired. Gather the muslin into a bundle and tie it tightly with ribbon.
Hang the bag from a faucet so the running water releases its fragrance, or dangle it in the water for the duration of your soothing soak.
Lemon Toner
*1/2 c. lemon juice
*1 c. distilled water
*2/3 c. witch hazel
Combine ingredients and mix well. Pour into container. Shake well before each use. Apply with cotton ball or soft cloth.
Soothing Herbal Bath Bag
*Muslin or cheesecloth
*Fresh herbs (lavender/rosemary/lemon verbena/chamomile)
*Fine oatmeal or powdered milk, if desired
Cut a circle from a muslin or cheesecloth and place fresh herbs in the center. Add fine oatmeal or powdered milk as a skin softener, if desired. Gather the muslin into a bundle and tie it tightly with ribbon.
Hang the bag from a faucet so the running water releases its fragrance, or dangle it in the water for the duration of your soothing soak.
Lemon Toner
*1/2 c. lemon juice
*1 c. distilled water
*2/3 c. witch hazel
Combine ingredients and mix well. Pour into container. Shake well before each use. Apply with cotton ball or soft cloth.
Thank You, Serenity Spa!!
How nice was it to sit quiet and have someone massage your eyes and hands for a few minutes?! Serenity Spa on Sportsman Drive (off of Hwy 441) has been so gracious and generous with their support for this MOPS group over the years! The ladies at the spa are so professional and so friendly. They offer a large variety of services including hair styling, massages, facials, manicures and pedicures. Going there for any of their services is such a treat! Thank you, Serenity!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Evites Are Inviting Not So Nice Thoughts
Evite has always been my primary way to send invitations and keep up with who is planning on attending events like meetings. But this year, the website is not cooperating with me so I have found another site eventbrite to deliver the reminders of our meetings. This is a first time experience with them, so I hope it will work - so far, the set up and checking on guests lists have been easy - Nothing lost, not locked out of my own invitation or 750 people invited to one event - Really? Bear with the email reminders. The events will be posted here at the blog and announced at the meetings. Email or call me if you have questions about any of the events.
How to Be You
Being you
Do you ever secretly envy the women who seem to have it all together? The ones who manage (all at the same time, of course) to have their nails done, a chic hair cut, the perfect house, creative activities for their children, organized closets and a magnetic personality?
Do you quietly long to "find yourself" and "have balance" but you fear you missed the memo on how to juggle an overwhelming list of priorities? Do you feel like you might have permanently lost yourself a few years back in an avalanche of laundry mixed with insecurities and unrealistic expectations?
All the choices for how to spend our time every day can be downright overwhelming. I'll admit get exhausted just thinking about all I should be doing. Some days I am lucky to take a shower, let alone accomplish anything else. I seem to never measure up to my own expectations.
It seems like everyone else can do it all, but I can't even figure out which things to do first! I drop too many balls when I become paralyzed by the options and often end the day frustrated by my inability to juggle with a smile on my face. Surely something is wrong with me.
So, how do you find peace with yourself and the season you are in?
Here are some tips that have might offer some encouragement:
1. Get to know your heart.
What makes your heart beat a little faster? What are your passions in life? God gave each of us special gifts and things that He has planted in our heart to share with the world. We are all unique! We don't have to have it all together or keep up with someone else's priorities -- we can find beauty and peace living the life God intended for us. Our life might look a little messier or less "put together" than our neighbors, but we can find fulfillment in being authentic and true to who we really are. Let yourself discover and develop the passions God gave you.
2. Be purposeful.
Living a balanced life doesn't mean we do everything perfectly. It is less about doing EVERYTHING and more about being purposeful with what we actually do. Pray about your top priorities, surrender to what God has for you to do in life right now, and do the best you can to grow in those areas and keep them in balance.
Take pleasure in the things you decide to focus on! Whether it is keeping up with the dishes, serving the community or playing with your kids, find fulfillment in your special purpose each day. There is a time and season for everything -- some things you really love doing might have to wait for another phase of life. Be patient for God's timing! The things you choose to focus on may not look as impressive as what your friends do, but if you live purposefully you will care less and less about what other people think.
3. Embrace imperfection.
This can be a tough one for some of us! We feel God can't use us or we can't fully enjoy life or care about others until we can attain a certain level of perfection. "I will have the neighbors over WHEN we get this and that done around the house." It is hard to admit, but many of us hide behind our imperfections. Those imperfections become an excuse for our inability to live out God's purpose in our life.
We can become easily self-conscious about our homes, the way we decorate or our looks and lose sight of more important things in life. We need to give ourselves permission to be "in process" and focus our attention on finding contentment with what we have been blessed with. Once we can accept our imperfection and remove that roadblock, we can find new freedom in becoming all that God calls us to be.
4. Resist comparing yourself.
I love reading magazines, books and blogs. I love shopping and looking at beautiful things. I get a lot of encouragement and motivation this way! But I need to keep myself in check by not overwhelming my senses with too many suggestions. When I feed myself a steady diet of things that distract me, I quickly become overwhelmed and discontent.
I'm not just talking about avoiding ideas that are beyond my means! Even TOO MANY simple ideas or suggestions of things I "could be doing" can give a sense of not measuring up and being behind before I even get started! I find it really important to protect my mind from overload and distraction so I can focus on what I've determined God has called me to right now in my own life. Feeling balanced and content requires a balanced diet of input. Comparing myself to others on a regular basis is not healthy or productive for me.
5. Have Courage!Finding contentment in who we are and purposefully living the life God planned for us takes real courage. It is oftentimes easier to drown ourselves in discontent in the life we live and pronounce ourselves failures for not being as talented or accomplishing as much as our neighbor.
Allowing God to use us right where we are, (in spite of our imperfections), having the courage to say no to input that distracts us, and the resolve to live purposefully in the season we are in will open the door for us to become all that God intends us to be.
This is a lifelong process!
I still struggle with these issues and I certainly do not have it all together. But I try to make peace with the season I am in. I just focus on today (sometimes one hour at a time!). I haven't arrived, that is for sure, but I am slowly growing in confidence of who I feel God created me to be.
Do you ever secretly envy the women who seem to have it all together? The ones who manage (all at the same time, of course) to have their nails done, a chic hair cut, the perfect house, creative activities for their children, organized closets and a magnetic personality?
Do you quietly long to "find yourself" and "have balance" but you fear you missed the memo on how to juggle an overwhelming list of priorities? Do you feel like you might have permanently lost yourself a few years back in an avalanche of laundry mixed with insecurities and unrealistic expectations?
All the choices for how to spend our time every day can be downright overwhelming. I'll admit get exhausted just thinking about all I should be doing. Some days I am lucky to take a shower, let alone accomplish anything else. I seem to never measure up to my own expectations.
It seems like everyone else can do it all, but I can't even figure out which things to do first! I drop too many balls when I become paralyzed by the options and often end the day frustrated by my inability to juggle with a smile on my face. Surely something is wrong with me.
So, how do you find peace with yourself and the season you are in?
Here are some tips that have might offer some encouragement:
1. Get to know your heart.
What makes your heart beat a little faster? What are your passions in life? God gave each of us special gifts and things that He has planted in our heart to share with the world. We are all unique! We don't have to have it all together or keep up with someone else's priorities -- we can find beauty and peace living the life God intended for us. Our life might look a little messier or less "put together" than our neighbors, but we can find fulfillment in being authentic and true to who we really are. Let yourself discover and develop the passions God gave you.
2. Be purposeful.
Living a balanced life doesn't mean we do everything perfectly. It is less about doing EVERYTHING and more about being purposeful with what we actually do. Pray about your top priorities, surrender to what God has for you to do in life right now, and do the best you can to grow in those areas and keep them in balance.
Take pleasure in the things you decide to focus on! Whether it is keeping up with the dishes, serving the community or playing with your kids, find fulfillment in your special purpose each day. There is a time and season for everything -- some things you really love doing might have to wait for another phase of life. Be patient for God's timing! The things you choose to focus on may not look as impressive as what your friends do, but if you live purposefully you will care less and less about what other people think.
3. Embrace imperfection.
This can be a tough one for some of us! We feel God can't use us or we can't fully enjoy life or care about others until we can attain a certain level of perfection. "I will have the neighbors over WHEN we get this and that done around the house." It is hard to admit, but many of us hide behind our imperfections. Those imperfections become an excuse for our inability to live out God's purpose in our life.
We can become easily self-conscious about our homes, the way we decorate or our looks and lose sight of more important things in life. We need to give ourselves permission to be "in process" and focus our attention on finding contentment with what we have been blessed with. Once we can accept our imperfection and remove that roadblock, we can find new freedom in becoming all that God calls us to be.
4. Resist comparing yourself.
I love reading magazines, books and blogs. I love shopping and looking at beautiful things. I get a lot of encouragement and motivation this way! But I need to keep myself in check by not overwhelming my senses with too many suggestions. When I feed myself a steady diet of things that distract me, I quickly become overwhelmed and discontent.
I'm not just talking about avoiding ideas that are beyond my means! Even TOO MANY simple ideas or suggestions of things I "could be doing" can give a sense of not measuring up and being behind before I even get started! I find it really important to protect my mind from overload and distraction so I can focus on what I've determined God has called me to right now in my own life. Feeling balanced and content requires a balanced diet of input. Comparing myself to others on a regular basis is not healthy or productive for me.
5. Have Courage!Finding contentment in who we are and purposefully living the life God planned for us takes real courage. It is oftentimes easier to drown ourselves in discontent in the life we live and pronounce ourselves failures for not being as talented or accomplishing as much as our neighbor.
Allowing God to use us right where we are, (in spite of our imperfections), having the courage to say no to input that distracts us, and the resolve to live purposefully in the season we are in will open the door for us to become all that God intends us to be.
This is a lifelong process!
I still struggle with these issues and I certainly do not have it all together. But I try to make peace with the season I am in. I just focus on today (sometimes one hour at a time!). I haven't arrived, that is for sure, but I am slowly growing in confidence of who I feel God created me to be.
Pumpkin Muffins
Pumpkin Muffins
These pumpkin muffins are so moist and yummy and fall-festive. And they are so easy, too.
They're an autumn tradition in our home.
1 box spice cake mix
1 15oz can pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix)
4 egg whites or 1/2 cup egg substitute
2 Tablespoons water
Allspice-add to taste.
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl until creamy. Fill muffin cups. Bake at 350 degrees for 18-23 minutes.
These pumpkin muffins are so moist and yummy and fall-festive. And they are so easy, too.
They're an autumn tradition in our home.
1 box spice cake mix
1 15oz can pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix)
4 egg whites or 1/2 cup egg substitute
2 Tablespoons water
Allspice-add to taste.
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl until creamy. Fill muffin cups. Bake at 350 degrees for 18-23 minutes.
Delayed Obedience is Disobedience
"These commandments that I give you are to be in your hearts. Impress them on your children." Deuteronomy 6:6-7 As parents, we are the primary teachers of God's commands and will for our children. Sometimes figuring out creative and meaningful ways to communicate God's Word to our children is hard. I will try to post one or more ideas to teach a virtue or character trait each week. This week is obedience. Hello? How many of us have a hard time getting this idea to stick in the kids' heads. So try this idea...
What does this statement mean, "Delayed obedience is disobedience."
Delayed obedience is when you don't obey right away. Like when you're told to take out the trash and you wait until you're finished watching TV. If you don't obey when you are told, you are disobeying! What could happen if you wait? (you could forget and not do it)
Tell your kids you're going to be watching this week. You want them to obey you RIGHT AWAY - don't wait. Every time, they obey RIGHT AWAY, give them a big hug and tell them how glad you are to see them obeying RIGHT AWAY.
What does this statement mean, "Delayed obedience is disobedience."
Delayed obedience is when you don't obey right away. Like when you're told to take out the trash and you wait until you're finished watching TV. If you don't obey when you are told, you are disobeying! What could happen if you wait? (you could forget and not do it)
Tell your kids you're going to be watching this week. You want them to obey you RIGHT AWAY - don't wait. Every time, they obey RIGHT AWAY, give them a big hug and tell them how glad you are to see them obeying RIGHT AWAY.
How Long Have You Been Here?
Hello, jars, bottles and containers in my fridge! How long have you been hanging out in here? One of the most put off tasks is the fridge clean out. It is so hard to remember when that forgotten jar of pizza sauce was last used. The only way to find out if it should stay or go is to open the jar and see if anything besides pizza sauce is in there. It is not a lovely task. It is a good science lesson for the kids and a good diet method though. But I would prefer to save science and better eating habits for something not so disgusting or so expensive as I throw that bottle in the trash. So I keep a Sharpie type marker at the refrigerator to write the date that the jar, bottle or container was first opened. This helps save money,the landfills, my appetite and saves some time so I can find other fun science discoveries for the kids. So good-bye yucky jars, bottles and containers! I know exactly how long you have been hanging around in my fridge! A-HA
Monday, September 14, 2009
Mommy and Me Outing
We will meet at Burger King on Tuesday, Sept 15 around 10:30 for a Mommy and Me outing. Come when you can and stay as long as you can. If it rains or is too wet to play outside, then we will go to Chic-Fil-A. Invite other moms to come join us. This is a time for us to connect and chat for a little while while the kiddos have fun playing on the playground!
Consignment Sale Time
It is that time of year again!! The bi-yearly sales are getting organized now! So take a little time to clean out the toy boxes, closets, attics and kids' rooms to find fall or winter clothing including Halloween costumes and winter coats. They also will consign toys, furniture, equipment, bedding, etc. Pretty much anything related to kids is accepted. Each sale has its own specific guidelines for consigning, but all of them are pretty consistent in wanting clean clothes, in good condition (stitch that button back on) and working order (go buy some batteries). It is a bit of work to get ready for the consignment sales, but it is worth it in the end. I have been shopping consignment sales before my darling princess was born almost 6 years ago - (Don't ask how much I spent-I was famous among moms for a while)
Here are some of the things I have noted about consignments:
1. It gets rooms and closets cleaned out
2. You get to shop early if you consign. The early bird gets the worm theory.
3. If you volunteer to work a few hours, you get to shop before anyone else does!!
4. You can find some really nice clothes - You know the ones you would never ever dream of buying because they are the cost of a small car- You get these designer cute clothes at a fraction of their regular price.
5. You can do some Christmas or birthday shopping for some large ticket items. A new mom? Great place to get some of that equipment- strollers, high chairsthese go fast.
6. Look for items with the tags still on them - Amazing how you buy clothes a season ahead and drat those kids, they just keep growing right past that size before the season comes around again. So new clothes at least half the regular price.
7. Take a basket for your finds!
8. Set a limit of how much you want to spend.
9. Make a list of items the kids need and their sizes.
10. Most sales have a half-price morning, usually the last day. Not all items are marked to be sold at half price. So check the tag. If it is, will it likely make it to the last day? Is it a definite got to have or would be nice if it were cheaper? Will you be free for that last sale day? If you really want it, you may want to go ahead and get it.
11. If you consign, make sure you let the organizers know if you want the unsold items back. They will often donate unsold items to area pregnancy care centers or other charitable organziations. Sometimes, they will mail your earnings(minus a percentage and a small fee) but if you would rather, make sure you go by to get the money and unsold items on the designated day.
12. Most importantly, Absolutely do not shop with the kids or hubby outside! Make this outing for mommy only. Go by Starbucks for a latte and then enjoy a few hours of shopping and mingling with other moms.
The Macon MOPS have a super sale!! Their sale is Friday, Sept. 18 9am-7pm and Sat. Sept. 19 8am-1pm (half price day. It is held at Hephzibah Children's Home -6601 Zebulon Road. For more information, visit
Karousel Kids in Milledgeville is Sept.30-Oct.1 at 415 No. Wayne Street. There is still time to consign so for more information email Tammy at
A fairly new sale is the Jack and Jill Kids sale in Gray. It will be Oct.7-10 at the Jonesco Gymnasium. For more information about consigning or shopping times, visit
What is better than shopping? Add shopping for the cutest kids in the world and top that with bargain shopping!! Oh, yes, it is a day for mommies to schedule!
Now, Mommies, it is the time to clean out. Get ready to shop and maybe make a little money. At least enough to pay for the shopping you did- and don't forget this is for MOMMIES ONLY!!-
Here are some of the things I have noted about consignments:
1. It gets rooms and closets cleaned out
2. You get to shop early if you consign. The early bird gets the worm theory.
3. If you volunteer to work a few hours, you get to shop before anyone else does!!
4. You can find some really nice clothes - You know the ones you would never ever dream of buying because they are the cost of a small car- You get these designer cute clothes at a fraction of their regular price.
5. You can do some Christmas or birthday shopping for some large ticket items. A new mom? Great place to get some of that equipment- strollers, high chairsthese go fast.
6. Look for items with the tags still on them - Amazing how you buy clothes a season ahead and drat those kids, they just keep growing right past that size before the season comes around again. So new clothes at least half the regular price.
7. Take a basket for your finds!
8. Set a limit of how much you want to spend.
9. Make a list of items the kids need and their sizes.
10. Most sales have a half-price morning, usually the last day. Not all items are marked to be sold at half price. So check the tag. If it is, will it likely make it to the last day? Is it a definite got to have or would be nice if it were cheaper? Will you be free for that last sale day? If you really want it, you may want to go ahead and get it.
11. If you consign, make sure you let the organizers know if you want the unsold items back. They will often donate unsold items to area pregnancy care centers or other charitable organziations. Sometimes, they will mail your earnings(minus a percentage and a small fee) but if you would rather, make sure you go by to get the money and unsold items on the designated day.
12. Most importantly, Absolutely do not shop with the kids or hubby outside! Make this outing for mommy only. Go by Starbucks for a latte and then enjoy a few hours of shopping and mingling with other moms.
The Macon MOPS have a super sale!! Their sale is Friday, Sept. 18 9am-7pm and Sat. Sept. 19 8am-1pm (half price day. It is held at Hephzibah Children's Home -6601 Zebulon Road. For more information, visit
Karousel Kids in Milledgeville is Sept.30-Oct.1 at 415 No. Wayne Street. There is still time to consign so for more information email Tammy at
A fairly new sale is the Jack and Jill Kids sale in Gray. It will be Oct.7-10 at the Jonesco Gymnasium. For more information about consigning or shopping times, visit
What is better than shopping? Add shopping for the cutest kids in the world and top that with bargain shopping!! Oh, yes, it is a day for mommies to schedule!
Now, Mommies, it is the time to clean out. Get ready to shop and maybe make a little money. At least enough to pay for the shopping you did- and don't forget this is for MOMMIES ONLY!!-
Sunday, September 13, 2009
How to Show Your Man You Love Him
Years ago when we were dating and young newlyweds, it was very easy to show my man love. Ironing his shirts, helping with the yard work, making sure the house was tidy and preparing his favorite foods. But also, telling him how much I appreciated him and complimenting him, especially in front of others was a very important way to show him love. My love for my man has not diminished over the years, but grown stronger and more solid. But as those years went by and kids and other responsibilities have been added to life, it is so easy to forget to show him how much I love him. For him, acts of service and words of affirmation are important to communicate my love for him. Being a bit more intentional in showing him how much I love him, is one goal I am working on to further insure a strong and healthy marriage.
So, how do you show your spouse love? Well, discovering their love language is a great place to start. According to the book The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, they are:
1) Acts of Service
2) Words of affirmation
3) Physical Touch
4) Quality Time
5) Gifts
We all have all of these, but usually have one primary love language.
Once you discover your man's love language, speak it to him. If it's quality time, make special time each day for your man. Even fifteen minutes will make a difference.Words? Then write your man a love letter, leave romantic notes for him. You get the idea.
And, here are 4 more tips to make your marriage even better...
Successful couples stay close no matter what happens - and that’s no accident. It takes planning and effort…… That’s why I have these 4 steps for making sure your marriage gets better instead of worse, courtesy of Glee Magazine:
#1 PRIORITIZE - First: Make your marriage the priority. Between kids and work, it’s easy to get so busy that you put your marriage on hold - but it should be the center of everything you do. Spending time with your spouse is the most important job you have to do each day.
#2 FRESH - Try new things as a couple. Remember when you were getting to know each other and everything was new? Get that feeling back! You don’t have to take up sky-diving. Try cooking a meal you’ve never cooked before. As long as it’s new, and you’re doing it together, you’ll be giving your marriage what it needs to thrive.
#3 HOLD ON - Hang onto something from your single life. Something just for you. Reading. Sewing. Scrapbooking. Going out to dinner once a month with your girlfriends. Being an individual is not mutually exclusive from being a couple.
#4 ASK - Ask your spouse for advice! If you find yourself with problems you don’t feel you can share with your partner - you’re in trouble. Being able to talk things out is the foundation of a great marriage. And this is especially true for men. According to marriage expert John Gottmann, the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT predictor of marital success is a husband’s willingness to listen to his wife.
So, how do you show your spouse love? Well, discovering their love language is a great place to start. According to the book The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, they are:
1) Acts of Service
2) Words of affirmation
3) Physical Touch
4) Quality Time
5) Gifts
We all have all of these, but usually have one primary love language.
Once you discover your man's love language, speak it to him. If it's quality time, make special time each day for your man. Even fifteen minutes will make a difference.Words? Then write your man a love letter, leave romantic notes for him. You get the idea.
And, here are 4 more tips to make your marriage even better...
Successful couples stay close no matter what happens - and that’s no accident. It takes planning and effort…… That’s why I have these 4 steps for making sure your marriage gets better instead of worse, courtesy of Glee Magazine:
#1 PRIORITIZE - First: Make your marriage the priority. Between kids and work, it’s easy to get so busy that you put your marriage on hold - but it should be the center of everything you do. Spending time with your spouse is the most important job you have to do each day.
#2 FRESH - Try new things as a couple. Remember when you were getting to know each other and everything was new? Get that feeling back! You don’t have to take up sky-diving. Try cooking a meal you’ve never cooked before. As long as it’s new, and you’re doing it together, you’ll be giving your marriage what it needs to thrive.
#3 HOLD ON - Hang onto something from your single life. Something just for you. Reading. Sewing. Scrapbooking. Going out to dinner once a month with your girlfriends. Being an individual is not mutually exclusive from being a couple.
#4 ASK - Ask your spouse for advice! If you find yourself with problems you don’t feel you can share with your partner - you’re in trouble. Being able to talk things out is the foundation of a great marriage. And this is especially true for men. According to marriage expert John Gottmann, the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT predictor of marital success is a husband’s willingness to listen to his wife.
Parenting Tips
The Value of Training
Every day you're training your children to become healthy responsible adults. Is it okay to get up and walk away in the middle of a meal? Is it acceptable to leave the table without helping to clean it up? Is it all right to eat without saying thank you to the one who prepared the meal? How will kids learn what's appropriate if you don't train them?
Unfortunately, as parents we get upset when our children need lots of correction or when they can't seem to change right away. It is true that some problems our children have take longer to overcome than others. Our response as parents is important, though. Our exasperation can damage the relationship. Firmness is important but the harshness can do more harm than good.
Kids make mistakes. Whether the errors are deliberate or accidental, children need a godly way to think in order to get back on track. Identify an issue you wish would change in one of your children. It might be arguing whenever you give an instruction or complaining when life doesn't go just right. Break the problem down and think of the alternatives you wish your child could do or think.
Talk about healthy alternatives and look for positive ways to motivate your child to maturity. You may have to use consequences to motivate change but don't neglect the potential of teaching new patterns of thinking, developing new skills, and giving children a vision for doing what's right.
Most of all, be patient. Training takes time and implies lots of work. You're a coach and your children are in training. Give your kids a vision for living life on a different level and they will grow into some great relating patterns.
This idea was taken from the book, Home Improvement, The Parenting Book You Can Read to Your Kids, by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN.
Every day you're training your children to become healthy responsible adults. Is it okay to get up and walk away in the middle of a meal? Is it acceptable to leave the table without helping to clean it up? Is it all right to eat without saying thank you to the one who prepared the meal? How will kids learn what's appropriate if you don't train them?
Unfortunately, as parents we get upset when our children need lots of correction or when they can't seem to change right away. It is true that some problems our children have take longer to overcome than others. Our response as parents is important, though. Our exasperation can damage the relationship. Firmness is important but the harshness can do more harm than good.
Kids make mistakes. Whether the errors are deliberate or accidental, children need a godly way to think in order to get back on track. Identify an issue you wish would change in one of your children. It might be arguing whenever you give an instruction or complaining when life doesn't go just right. Break the problem down and think of the alternatives you wish your child could do or think.
Talk about healthy alternatives and look for positive ways to motivate your child to maturity. You may have to use consequences to motivate change but don't neglect the potential of teaching new patterns of thinking, developing new skills, and giving children a vision for doing what's right.
Most of all, be patient. Training takes time and implies lots of work. You're a coach and your children are in training. Give your kids a vision for living life on a different level and they will grow into some great relating patterns.
This idea was taken from the book, Home Improvement, The Parenting Book You Can Read to Your Kids, by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN.
What's For Dinner, Mommy?
A simple dessert to make for the family or a potluck.
1 large box strawberry Jello
3 cups boiling water
3 pkg. frozen strawberries
1 angel food cake
1 container Cool Whip
Break up angel food cake into pieces and place in a 9x13 inch pan. Mix up Jello with 3 cups of boiling water and add frozen berries. Jell slightly. Fold in Cool Whip. Pour over angel food cake and mix. Refrigerate until firm. Cut into 20 2-1/2 inch servings
1 large box strawberry Jello
3 cups boiling water
3 pkg. frozen strawberries
1 angel food cake
1 container Cool Whip
Break up angel food cake into pieces and place in a 9x13 inch pan. Mix up Jello with 3 cups of boiling water and add frozen berries. Jell slightly. Fold in Cool Whip. Pour over angel food cake and mix. Refrigerate until firm. Cut into 20 2-1/2 inch servings
What's For Dinner, Mommy?
Chicken Cordon Bleu Panini
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon butter
1/2 cup flour
1 egg, beaten
1 cup panko bread crumbs
4 boneless, skinless thin-cut chicken breasts
Salt and pepper
1/4 cup prepared yellow mustard
1/4 cup honey
2 tablespoons light corn syrup
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 1/2 teaspoon dried onion flakes
1 loaf French bread, cut cross-wise into 4 ~5″ pieces
4 slices smoked, fully-cooked ham
4 slices Swiss cheese
Heat the olive oil and butter in a large sauté pan over medium-high heat. Set up a dredging station for the chicken by placing the flour, egg and panko bread crumbs each in separate shallow dishes. Season the chicken with salt and pepper and dredge each piece in the flour, egg and bread crumbs. Place the breaded chicken into the pan and sauté for about 4 minutes per side until cooked thoroughly. Transfer the chicken to a cutting board and set aside.
In a small bowl, whisk together mustard, honey, corn syrup, mayonnaise and dried onion flakes. Set aside (or refrigerate if not using immediately).
Preheat the panini grill to medium-high heat (375°).
For each sandwich: Half the bread lengthwise. Spread honey mustard sauce inside both halves. On the bottom half, layer a chicken breast, a slice of ham and a slice of cheese. Close the sandwich.
Grill panini for 3-4 minutes until the cheese is melted. Serve immediately and enjoy
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon butter
1/2 cup flour
1 egg, beaten
1 cup panko bread crumbs
4 boneless, skinless thin-cut chicken breasts
Salt and pepper
1/4 cup prepared yellow mustard
1/4 cup honey
2 tablespoons light corn syrup
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 1/2 teaspoon dried onion flakes
1 loaf French bread, cut cross-wise into 4 ~5″ pieces
4 slices smoked, fully-cooked ham
4 slices Swiss cheese
Heat the olive oil and butter in a large sauté pan over medium-high heat. Set up a dredging station for the chicken by placing the flour, egg and panko bread crumbs each in separate shallow dishes. Season the chicken with salt and pepper and dredge each piece in the flour, egg and bread crumbs. Place the breaded chicken into the pan and sauté for about 4 minutes per side until cooked thoroughly. Transfer the chicken to a cutting board and set aside.
In a small bowl, whisk together mustard, honey, corn syrup, mayonnaise and dried onion flakes. Set aside (or refrigerate if not using immediately).
Preheat the panini grill to medium-high heat (375°).
For each sandwich: Half the bread lengthwise. Spread honey mustard sauce inside both halves. On the bottom half, layer a chicken breast, a slice of ham and a slice of cheese. Close the sandwich.
Grill panini for 3-4 minutes until the cheese is melted. Serve immediately and enjoy
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
So Good, It Will Make You Want to Slap Your Momma (Start Ducking, Mommies!)
Texas Sheet Cake
Grease a 9 x 13 sheet cake pan.
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups sugar
Bring to a boil:
2 sticks butter
1 cup water
4 tbsp. cocoa
Pour over dry mixture and mix in:
2 eggs
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. vanilla
Bake at 400 degrees, 20-25 minutes.
1 stick butter
4 tbsp. cocoa
6 tbsp. milk
Add anywhere from 1/2 to 1 box of powdered sugar to achieve desired consistency (I prefer close to 1 box) and 1 cup pecans. Spread on cake while it's hot.
Grease a 9 x 13 sheet cake pan.
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups sugar
Bring to a boil:
2 sticks butter
1 cup water
4 tbsp. cocoa
Pour over dry mixture and mix in:
2 eggs
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. vanilla
Bake at 400 degrees, 20-25 minutes.
1 stick butter
4 tbsp. cocoa
6 tbsp. milk
Add anywhere from 1/2 to 1 box of powdered sugar to achieve desired consistency (I prefer close to 1 box) and 1 cup pecans. Spread on cake while it's hot.
What's For Dinner, Mommy?
1 box brownie mix, and needed ingredients
1 sleeve graham crackers
1/2 bag mini marshmallows
1 cup chocolate chips
1. Make the brownies according to the box directions, except under bake them by 10 minutes or so.
2. Toss crumbled graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate chips on top
3. Put back in the oven with the oven on broil just until marshmallows and chocolate melt.
4. Serve warm and gooey.
1 large zucchini, sliced length wise in half
1 box Stove Top Stuffing Mix
2 pounds sausage, browned and drained
1 can spaghetti sauce
1. Scrape out zucchini seeds and some of the meat it is somewhat hollow.
2. Make stuffing according to the box directions.
3. Combine cooked sausage, stuffing and 1/2 can spaghetti sauce, then spoon into each zucchini half.
4. Put several cups of water in a 9x13 glass baking dish, then place zucchini halves in the water (like a boat) Water keeps the zucchini from drying out.
5. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes until golden on top.
6. Slice and serve. Can add additional spaghetti sauce if you like once served.
6 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves, cut into bite size pieces
2 cups milk
2 cups uncooked white rice
2 (10.75 ounce) cans condensed cream of chicken soup
1 teaspoon seasoned salt
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2. In a medium bowl combine the milk, rice, soup and seasoned salt if desired. Mix well. Pour mixture into a lightly greased 9x13 inch baking dish. Add the chicken pieces.
3. Cover dish tightly with aluminum foil and bake in the preheated oven for approximately 90 minutes or until rice is done, stirring every 30 minutes.
1 box brownie mix, and needed ingredients
1 sleeve graham crackers
1/2 bag mini marshmallows
1 cup chocolate chips
1. Make the brownies according to the box directions, except under bake them by 10 minutes or so.
2. Toss crumbled graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate chips on top
3. Put back in the oven with the oven on broil just until marshmallows and chocolate melt.
4. Serve warm and gooey.
1 large zucchini, sliced length wise in half
1 box Stove Top Stuffing Mix
2 pounds sausage, browned and drained
1 can spaghetti sauce
1. Scrape out zucchini seeds and some of the meat it is somewhat hollow.
2. Make stuffing according to the box directions.
3. Combine cooked sausage, stuffing and 1/2 can spaghetti sauce, then spoon into each zucchini half.
4. Put several cups of water in a 9x13 glass baking dish, then place zucchini halves in the water (like a boat) Water keeps the zucchini from drying out.
5. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes until golden on top.
6. Slice and serve. Can add additional spaghetti sauce if you like once served.
6 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves, cut into bite size pieces
2 cups milk
2 cups uncooked white rice
2 (10.75 ounce) cans condensed cream of chicken soup
1 teaspoon seasoned salt
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2. In a medium bowl combine the milk, rice, soup and seasoned salt if desired. Mix well. Pour mixture into a lightly greased 9x13 inch baking dish. Add the chicken pieces.
3. Cover dish tightly with aluminum foil and bake in the preheated oven for approximately 90 minutes or until rice is done, stirring every 30 minutes.
Use Anger to Spark Creativity
We say, "Anger is good for identifying problems but not good for solving them." Once you become aware of a problem, look for a more creative and productive way to solve it. When parents choose to reflect only anger, they limit themselves dramatically. Families benefit when they experiment with other emotional options as well.
Marilyn surprised her eight-year-old son after he put his feet on the table during dinner. She felt angry, but she chose to respond differently. "Do you know what the Bible says about beautiful feet?" she asked in a playful tone.
Expecting a harsh response the boy was shocked by his mother's question and curious about the answer. "No," he replied with question in his voice.
"The Bible says, 'Beautiful are the feet of them who bring good news.' Now I have some good news for you. Dessert is only served to those whose feet are under the table." Marilyn made her point and she didn't have to use anger to do it. During dessert, several minutes after the previous incident, she made a passing request, "Please don’t put your feet on this table."
Her son responded, "Okay."
This mom avoided what could have been an ugly scene by exercising some restraint on her anger and responding in a wise way. By stopping each time you feel angry and evaluating the situation, you can use anger to point out problems and then choose another strategy for your response.
This parenting tip comes from our book, Good and Angry, Exchanging Frustration for Character in You and Your Kids.
Marilyn surprised her eight-year-old son after he put his feet on the table during dinner. She felt angry, but she chose to respond differently. "Do you know what the Bible says about beautiful feet?" she asked in a playful tone.
Expecting a harsh response the boy was shocked by his mother's question and curious about the answer. "No," he replied with question in his voice.
"The Bible says, 'Beautiful are the feet of them who bring good news.' Now I have some good news for you. Dessert is only served to those whose feet are under the table." Marilyn made her point and she didn't have to use anger to do it. During dessert, several minutes after the previous incident, she made a passing request, "Please don’t put your feet on this table."
Her son responded, "Okay."
This mom avoided what could have been an ugly scene by exercising some restraint on her anger and responding in a wise way. By stopping each time you feel angry and evaluating the situation, you can use anger to point out problems and then choose another strategy for your response.
This parenting tip comes from our book, Good and Angry, Exchanging Frustration for Character in You and Your Kids.
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About Me

- ml4estsmommy
- I am a very blessed SAHM. I am blessed with an abundant amount of grace from my Creator and Savior. He has blessed me with an amazing man as my life long best friend, husband and father of our two precious gifts of energy and life. My days are full with the activities of homekeeping, and the joys and adventures of two healthy and energetic kiddos. I am basking in His grace daily.