Lift Off is scheduled for Tuesday, September 8 at 9 am. Launch site is Northridge Christian Church in the Cafe area. Bring another adventurous mom to join us in our journey to Planet Mom!
Some other "training" exercises include:
Fit Moms- Exercise Class- Mondays at 8:15am- 9:15am -at NCC- Starts September 14
Scrap Booking -Thursdays- at 9 am - Starts September 10
Bible Study- Fridays at 9 am - September 4-
These are not limited to just MOPS or even to just moms. Any lady is invited to join in these activities at any time.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Planet Mom
We waited so long to have children, not by our own plans I might add. But when we found out that we were expecting our first baby in 2003 we were in orbit! Stars were in our eyes and we were over the moon in love with the life growing inside my growing tummy. We just couldn't wait to actually hold our little girl! We knew life would change for us. We were ready to embrace those changes- no longer could we spontaneously jump in the car and go off for the weekend, the extra equipment and baby paraphernalia would take over the house, etc. But what we didn't realize that becoming parents would send us to a totally different world or planet.
For me, the mission began immediately as changes in hormones and body became very evident. I literally become a different person, an alien to our myself even. For where I used to be able to spend time exercising, taking leisurely bubble baths, read a novel and have adult conversations, I now was not able to bend over to tie my shoes or shave, getting in and out of tubs was more exercise than I cared to admit, reading a novel was a sure fire way to put myself to sleep and conversation? What were we talking about? You know, the thingamajig.... Mothering....Oh, yeah! Something took possession of my brain and my heart and they have never been the same.
But even after birth, which was marvelous and scary all at the same time and another post topic, my world continued to change. Not just the lack of sleep, worrying and fretting over the baby's well-being, but also, the changes in my relationships with my darling hubby, my family, and my friends. Changes in the amount of time and thought I put into myself changed. Changes in the time I spent doing the things I enjoyed like scrap booking, reading, cross-stitching, ministry, etc. all changed. Relationships revolved around my baby. The baby number 2 arrived in 2005. You know the book, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus - well, it is true from the get-go! Baby and Toddler became my world. They were the center of my universe and I was theirs. You know, over the last 6 years, lots of changes have continued to take place as we explore and discover more about this planet called Mothering. I continue to evolve and revolve around my kids' development. Sometimes I am the heroic moon walker - leading my kids to new worlds and sometimes I am the 3-eyed, green alien that is really scary, to myself mostly. You see, I haven't been able to totally decode the manual about relationships as a mom. I, too often, over commit myself to things that distract me from my kids and husband. I long to be seeing stars again when I encounter the meteor showers in life and to enjoy the creatures that orbit beside me in life. Rather it be girlfriends, in-laws, children, husband or even myself, I know that the Commander of my mission is Christ. As long as I wait upon Him and use His words as my mission manual, this mission will be a success. Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:13) I have been so blessed with an amazing and awesome crew, my family and friends, and I am promised that I don't have to go it alone, for the Bright and Morning Star, Jesus, is with me- He is my guide as I navigate through life and changing relationships. But I must keep my eyes, my coordinates on Him. This is no easy task, I admit. I endeavor to follow Him in this mission.
Where two or three are gathered in My (Jesus') name, I (Jesus) am with them. Matthew 18:20-
So are you ready to blast off and explore the amazing worlds of Planet Mom? Let's do life Together on Planet Mom! 3-2-1- Blast Off!!
For me, the mission began immediately as changes in hormones and body became very evident. I literally become a different person, an alien to our myself even. For where I used to be able to spend time exercising, taking leisurely bubble baths, read a novel and have adult conversations, I now was not able to bend over to tie my shoes or shave, getting in and out of tubs was more exercise than I cared to admit, reading a novel was a sure fire way to put myself to sleep and conversation? What were we talking about? You know, the thingamajig.... Mothering....Oh, yeah! Something took possession of my brain and my heart and they have never been the same.
But even after birth, which was marvelous and scary all at the same time and another post topic, my world continued to change. Not just the lack of sleep, worrying and fretting over the baby's well-being, but also, the changes in my relationships with my darling hubby, my family, and my friends. Changes in the amount of time and thought I put into myself changed. Changes in the time I spent doing the things I enjoyed like scrap booking, reading, cross-stitching, ministry, etc. all changed. Relationships revolved around my baby. The baby number 2 arrived in 2005. You know the book, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus - well, it is true from the get-go! Baby and Toddler became my world. They were the center of my universe and I was theirs. You know, over the last 6 years, lots of changes have continued to take place as we explore and discover more about this planet called Mothering. I continue to evolve and revolve around my kids' development. Sometimes I am the heroic moon walker - leading my kids to new worlds and sometimes I am the 3-eyed, green alien that is really scary, to myself mostly. You see, I haven't been able to totally decode the manual about relationships as a mom. I, too often, over commit myself to things that distract me from my kids and husband. I long to be seeing stars again when I encounter the meteor showers in life and to enjoy the creatures that orbit beside me in life. Rather it be girlfriends, in-laws, children, husband or even myself, I know that the Commander of my mission is Christ. As long as I wait upon Him and use His words as my mission manual, this mission will be a success. Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:13) I have been so blessed with an amazing and awesome crew, my family and friends, and I am promised that I don't have to go it alone, for the Bright and Morning Star, Jesus, is with me- He is my guide as I navigate through life and changing relationships. But I must keep my eyes, my coordinates on Him. This is no easy task, I admit. I endeavor to follow Him in this mission.
Where two or three are gathered in My (Jesus') name, I (Jesus) am with them. Matthew 18:20-
So are you ready to blast off and explore the amazing worlds of Planet Mom? Let's do life Together on Planet Mom! 3-2-1- Blast Off!!
Parenting Tips
Building Relationship Makes Kids More Responsive
Many parents see a problem and start giving instructions immediately. This often means that they yell across the parking lot or bark commands from the other side of the house. We believe this approach isn't the best. It's not enough to see the need and tell someone to respond to it. That approach doesn't demonstrate value for the relationship. Parenting isn't just about getting tasks done; it's about building relationships at the same time.
Start by getting close to your child. Most of the time this means that before you give an instruction you call your child over to you. This presents a problem in many young families because preschoolers often don't come when they're called. The fact is, even older children don't come when they're called unless they are taught to do so.
Take time to teach your children how to come when you call them. It takes practice but it's well worth the work. Parents often ask, "What do I do in the grocery store when I call my preschooler and he runs away?" Well, the grocery store isn't the place to practice. That's the final exam! By practicing over and over at home and at the park, children are then able to respond in public.
Like every step in a good instruction routine, getting close to each other requires changes from both child and parent. Children also find it tempting to yell across the house. Now children learn that dialogue only takes place when relationship has been established through eye contact and being physically close together. Sometimes it's the small things that demonstrate that a parent cares or that a child is willing to listen. Putting down the paper, looking up from the computer, or just turning to face your child before you speak communicates the importance of what you are about to say.
Some parents report major improvement in a child's responsiveness when they just implement this step and give instructions only when the child is within a few feet. Sometimes that little nonverbal statement about your relationship is all that's needed to gain a more cooperative attitude from your child.
And what if that doesn't work? Well, it's only the first step. Four more steps are yet to come and you can read about them in the book, Good and Angry, Exchanging Frustration for Character In You and Your Kids by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN.
Many parents see a problem and start giving instructions immediately. This often means that they yell across the parking lot or bark commands from the other side of the house. We believe this approach isn't the best. It's not enough to see the need and tell someone to respond to it. That approach doesn't demonstrate value for the relationship. Parenting isn't just about getting tasks done; it's about building relationships at the same time.
Start by getting close to your child. Most of the time this means that before you give an instruction you call your child over to you. This presents a problem in many young families because preschoolers often don't come when they're called. The fact is, even older children don't come when they're called unless they are taught to do so.
Take time to teach your children how to come when you call them. It takes practice but it's well worth the work. Parents often ask, "What do I do in the grocery store when I call my preschooler and he runs away?" Well, the grocery store isn't the place to practice. That's the final exam! By practicing over and over at home and at the park, children are then able to respond in public.
Like every step in a good instruction routine, getting close to each other requires changes from both child and parent. Children also find it tempting to yell across the house. Now children learn that dialogue only takes place when relationship has been established through eye contact and being physically close together. Sometimes it's the small things that demonstrate that a parent cares or that a child is willing to listen. Putting down the paper, looking up from the computer, or just turning to face your child before you speak communicates the importance of what you are about to say.
Some parents report major improvement in a child's responsiveness when they just implement this step and give instructions only when the child is within a few feet. Sometimes that little nonverbal statement about your relationship is all that's needed to gain a more cooperative attitude from your child.
And what if that doesn't work? Well, it's only the first step. Four more steps are yet to come and you can read about them in the book, Good and Angry, Exchanging Frustration for Character In You and Your Kids by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN.
Alien or Girl Called MOMMY!! ?
Every mom knows that mothering is the most time consuming jobs ever! It is a great job but is a job that doesn't allow for a lot of time for moms to take care of themselves. One of the perks is that the kids think you are the most beautiful princess to ever grace this earth and rightfully so, you are a great mom! But every girl in the mom begins to feel like an alien on this planet when she doesn't take a little time for herself. So here are some reminders of how we can better care for ourselves.
13 Quick Mommy Makeovers to Take You from Tired to Amazing!
1. Drink more water. Hydrating your body is a guaranteed way to look and feel better almost instantly. Another great way to use water for a quick pick-me-up is to fill a spray bottle with water, turn the dial to "mist", and give your face a quick spritz of water.
2. Moisturize. Short on time in the morning? Never skip applying a facial moisturizer with sunscreen. The moisture in your skin will instantly make you look more awake (and protect your skin at the same time).
3. Brighten. Use a light colored shimmery eyeshadow or cream to brighten eyes. We’re talking white, ivory, or light beige. Light eyeshadows instantly brighten up the face, making you look more alert.
4. Concealer. Dark under eye circles are a tell-tale sign of not getting your Zs. Nothing hides circles like a good under eye concealer, which takes only 30 seconds of your busy morning to apply.
5. Get dressed! and for goodness' sake, girls, DO NOT wear pajamas out of the house! Just pulling on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts or jeans will make you feel like you accomplished one thing today.
6. Add white shimmer under arches. You can perform this great trick on the go – even sitting in traffic. Dab a shimmery white lip gloss under the arches of your eyebrows and rub in. The bright color beneath the arch instantly draws the eye upward, causing onlookers to focus on the line of your eyebrow, not the tired eyes below.
7. Wear lipstick. A powerful punch of color can wake up a tired face when you don’t have a lot of time to get ready. Stick with a neutral color that’s not too dark, slick on one coat and you’re good to go. Instead of touching up lipstick throughout the day, keep a chapstick handy to keep lips moisturized and shiny. (Wearing bold lipstick and large sunglasses, no one will know you’re not a celebrity mom today!)
8. Wear clothes that fit. Clothing that fits and flatters your figure will make you look more put together instead of looking like you just rolled out of bed. Ditch the baggy tees and sweat pants. It takes just as long to put on a top and pants that fit your body and look great as it does to put on shapeless lounge wear!
9. Exfoliate. Use a facial scrub before bed to save time in the morning. Slough away those dead, dull skin cells to reveal fresh rejuvenated skin.
10. Self tanner. Self tanning moisturizers are a convenient way to give your skin a little pick me up. A healthy tan gives you a rested look and can hide dark circles when you haven’t gotten enough sleep. Try applying a self-tanning moisturizer before bed for a hint of tan by morning.
11. Put on earrings. Small details get left out when time is limited, and therefore are a surefire way to look more awake and put together. Large hoops will draw the eyes away from sleepy features, while small diamonds or other gems will add sparkle to your face.
12. Eye drops. Visine or other eye drops can help to eliminate eye redness caused from sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep can cause the blood vessels in your eyes to pump more blood than usual, making them larger and the whites of your eyes seem red and "bloodshot". The tetrahydrozoline HCl found in eye drops is a vasoconstrictor, meaning that it shrinks these blood vessels, giving you back your normal white eyes. Keep eye drops in the refrigerator for a cool pick-me-up.
13. Cold water rinse. If all else fails, quickly rinse your face with very cold water. The cold temperature causes the pores to constrict, delivering the appearance of smoother skin and an instantly awake face.
Practical health and beauty ideas or reminders will be posted periodically. If you have any ideas or tips for helping moms feel better about themselves, please share them.
13 Quick Mommy Makeovers to Take You from Tired to Amazing!
1. Drink more water. Hydrating your body is a guaranteed way to look and feel better almost instantly. Another great way to use water for a quick pick-me-up is to fill a spray bottle with water, turn the dial to "mist", and give your face a quick spritz of water.
2. Moisturize. Short on time in the morning? Never skip applying a facial moisturizer with sunscreen. The moisture in your skin will instantly make you look more awake (and protect your skin at the same time).
3. Brighten. Use a light colored shimmery eyeshadow or cream to brighten eyes. We’re talking white, ivory, or light beige. Light eyeshadows instantly brighten up the face, making you look more alert.
4. Concealer. Dark under eye circles are a tell-tale sign of not getting your Zs. Nothing hides circles like a good under eye concealer, which takes only 30 seconds of your busy morning to apply.
5. Get dressed! and for goodness' sake, girls, DO NOT wear pajamas out of the house! Just pulling on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts or jeans will make you feel like you accomplished one thing today.
6. Add white shimmer under arches. You can perform this great trick on the go – even sitting in traffic. Dab a shimmery white lip gloss under the arches of your eyebrows and rub in. The bright color beneath the arch instantly draws the eye upward, causing onlookers to focus on the line of your eyebrow, not the tired eyes below.
7. Wear lipstick. A powerful punch of color can wake up a tired face when you don’t have a lot of time to get ready. Stick with a neutral color that’s not too dark, slick on one coat and you’re good to go. Instead of touching up lipstick throughout the day, keep a chapstick handy to keep lips moisturized and shiny. (Wearing bold lipstick and large sunglasses, no one will know you’re not a celebrity mom today!)
8. Wear clothes that fit. Clothing that fits and flatters your figure will make you look more put together instead of looking like you just rolled out of bed. Ditch the baggy tees and sweat pants. It takes just as long to put on a top and pants that fit your body and look great as it does to put on shapeless lounge wear!
9. Exfoliate. Use a facial scrub before bed to save time in the morning. Slough away those dead, dull skin cells to reveal fresh rejuvenated skin.
10. Self tanner. Self tanning moisturizers are a convenient way to give your skin a little pick me up. A healthy tan gives you a rested look and can hide dark circles when you haven’t gotten enough sleep. Try applying a self-tanning moisturizer before bed for a hint of tan by morning.
11. Put on earrings. Small details get left out when time is limited, and therefore are a surefire way to look more awake and put together. Large hoops will draw the eyes away from sleepy features, while small diamonds or other gems will add sparkle to your face.
12. Eye drops. Visine or other eye drops can help to eliminate eye redness caused from sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep can cause the blood vessels in your eyes to pump more blood than usual, making them larger and the whites of your eyes seem red and "bloodshot". The tetrahydrozoline HCl found in eye drops is a vasoconstrictor, meaning that it shrinks these blood vessels, giving you back your normal white eyes. Keep eye drops in the refrigerator for a cool pick-me-up.
13. Cold water rinse. If all else fails, quickly rinse your face with very cold water. The cold temperature causes the pores to constrict, delivering the appearance of smoother skin and an instantly awake face.
Practical health and beauty ideas or reminders will be posted periodically. If you have any ideas or tips for helping moms feel better about themselves, please share them.
What's For Dinner, Mommy?
You know that question that comes virtually every day, either from the cookie crunchers crusisin' the kitchen or from darling hubby that doesn't get how much whining and spit up we have had to deal with just in the last hour and half. But, Mom, you are amazing!For the answer is just a few minutes from being on the table.
Every week, some mom friendly and family pleasing recipes will appear in the blog to help you plan your menus. So don't stress out when they all want to know what is for dinner!
Éclair Cake
1 16oz package graham crackers
2 3.4oz packages instant pudding mix
3 cups milk
1 8oz container cool whip
1 16oz package frosting
Blend pudding mix, cool whip, and milk in bowl until blended. Put one layer of graham crackers in a 9x13 pan. Pour half of pudding mixture over graham crackers. Add a second layer of crackers. Top with remaining pudding mixture. Finish with a final layer of graham crackers. Pour icing over top (heat in microwave for 20-30 seconds if needed). Refrigerate overnight
Easy Meatball Dinner
• 1 cup chopped onions
• 14.5 oz. beef broth
• 32 oz. tomato sauce
• 1 cup water
• 1/2 tsp Italian seasoning
• 1/4 tsp ground black pepper
• 12 oz. frozen mixed vegetables
• Approx. 15 oz. meatballs.
In a large saucepan, combine potatoes, onions, beef broth, tomato sauce, water, Italian seasoning, pepper and vegetables. Bring to a boil on stove top. Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 8 minutes. Add meatballs, cover and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes.
Meatball Pitas
1 package of Mama Lucia Italian Style Meatballs
8 small pita breads
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1 cup cubed feta cheese
1⁄2 cup chopped black olives
1⁄2 cup chopped shredded lettuce
1⁄2 cup chopped onion
1⁄4 cup Parmesan cheese grated
1 teaspoon of red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon of oregano
Heat the meatballs on the stove top with red pepper flakes and oregano. Heat the pita breads in the oven on low heat until warm. Once heated, place 2-3 meatballs in each pita bread. Top with feta, mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses. As cheese begin to melt, top off with lettuce, onion and black olives. Serve “taco style” for a snack or main meal.
Every week, some mom friendly and family pleasing recipes will appear in the blog to help you plan your menus. So don't stress out when they all want to know what is for dinner!
Éclair Cake
1 16oz package graham crackers
2 3.4oz packages instant pudding mix
3 cups milk
1 8oz container cool whip
1 16oz package frosting
Blend pudding mix, cool whip, and milk in bowl until blended. Put one layer of graham crackers in a 9x13 pan. Pour half of pudding mixture over graham crackers. Add a second layer of crackers. Top with remaining pudding mixture. Finish with a final layer of graham crackers. Pour icing over top (heat in microwave for 20-30 seconds if needed). Refrigerate overnight
Easy Meatball Dinner
• 1 cup chopped onions
• 14.5 oz. beef broth
• 32 oz. tomato sauce
• 1 cup water
• 1/2 tsp Italian seasoning
• 1/4 tsp ground black pepper
• 12 oz. frozen mixed vegetables
• Approx. 15 oz. meatballs.
In a large saucepan, combine potatoes, onions, beef broth, tomato sauce, water, Italian seasoning, pepper and vegetables. Bring to a boil on stove top. Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 8 minutes. Add meatballs, cover and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes.
Meatball Pitas
1 package of Mama Lucia Italian Style Meatballs
8 small pita breads
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1 cup cubed feta cheese
1⁄2 cup chopped black olives
1⁄2 cup chopped shredded lettuce
1⁄2 cup chopped onion
1⁄4 cup Parmesan cheese grated
1 teaspoon of red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon of oregano
Heat the meatballs on the stove top with red pepper flakes and oregano. Heat the pita breads in the oven on low heat until warm. Once heated, place 2-3 meatballs in each pita bread. Top with feta, mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses. As cheese begin to melt, top off with lettuce, onion and black olives. Serve “taco style” for a snack or main meal.
Don't you love when you find new ways, some double duty uses, to use some of the most very common things in our houses. My kindergartener loves to point out ways that we can Reuse and Recycle things. (She is becoming my Green Child.) So she is very proud of some "AH-HA" ideas, I ran across. These are the kind of ideas that make you want to say, "Now why didn't I think of that?"
5 Ah-HAs
1. Angel Food Pan- Use to keep corn on the cob steady so you can cut off the kernels with a knife. Stand a cob upright in the center hole, and as you cut the kernels off, they fall straight into the pan. AH-AH.
2. Play Doh - Prevent burns on the Fourth of July by placing lit sparklers into open can of play doh and enjoy a safer sparkling July 4th. AH-AH.
3. Colander - Place colander on top of smaller bowl when you want an ice bowl out for a party or family gathering. As the ice melts, the water drains into the bowl and your guests have fresh ice all night long. AH-AH.
4. Orange and Lemon Peels - Save your orange and lemon peels and let them dry out. They make GREAT fired starters. And bonus, they are fragrant fire starters. AH-AH.
5. Flower Flats - When you buy flowers, save the flower flats. They are perfect to slide under your van or car seats as sliding drawers to keep Kleenex boxes and CD's safe and from going all over the floor. AH-HA.
When new AH-HAs are discovered or some other idea for organizing life with kids is found, it will be shared here. Do you have any AH-HAs you would like to share?
5 Ah-HAs
1. Angel Food Pan- Use to keep corn on the cob steady so you can cut off the kernels with a knife. Stand a cob upright in the center hole, and as you cut the kernels off, they fall straight into the pan. AH-AH.
2. Play Doh - Prevent burns on the Fourth of July by placing lit sparklers into open can of play doh and enjoy a safer sparkling July 4th. AH-AH.
3. Colander - Place colander on top of smaller bowl when you want an ice bowl out for a party or family gathering. As the ice melts, the water drains into the bowl and your guests have fresh ice all night long. AH-AH.
4. Orange and Lemon Peels - Save your orange and lemon peels and let them dry out. They make GREAT fired starters. And bonus, they are fragrant fire starters. AH-AH.
5. Flower Flats - When you buy flowers, save the flower flats. They are perfect to slide under your van or car seats as sliding drawers to keep Kleenex boxes and CD's safe and from going all over the floor. AH-HA.
When new AH-HAs are discovered or some other idea for organizing life with kids is found, it will be shared here. Do you have any AH-HAs you would like to share?
Carpe Diem, Girls!
Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16
Too often I realize I am wishing time away. When it is cold and rainy outside and inside are grumpy, irritable kids, I am wishing for warmer weather. When it is blazing hot, as it can be in Georgia, I am wishing for the fall. I also have caught myself wishing for a better stage or phase in my kids. You know the ones, where exhausted mommy wishes the baby would sleep through the night or is weaned. The phase where the cookie-crunchers are potty-trained or not tattling anymore. But then one day, I discover that I have wished all of my time away. The sudden and startling realization is that while I was busy wishing for this stage or time to pass, I missed the opportunities that I had. Is any stage or time in life better than another, especialy when it is concerning our families? I remember another season long lost in history. It was a time when I was in high school and one of my favorite teachers introduced me to the the motto Carpe Diem- Seize the Day. You know, in a way, that motto is very Biblical. Paul reminds us in Ephesians to make the most of every opportunity, living wisely. The King James version calls it "redeeming the time."
I need to remember to make the most of every opportunity that God gives me today. To enjoy my children, husband and the circumstances I have now. I don't need to wait until just the right moment comes along because that moment may never come. I am to follow God's leading today, right now. So,Carpe Diem, Girls! Sieze this Day!
Too often I realize I am wishing time away. When it is cold and rainy outside and inside are grumpy, irritable kids, I am wishing for warmer weather. When it is blazing hot, as it can be in Georgia, I am wishing for the fall. I also have caught myself wishing for a better stage or phase in my kids. You know the ones, where exhausted mommy wishes the baby would sleep through the night or is weaned. The phase where the cookie-crunchers are potty-trained or not tattling anymore. But then one day, I discover that I have wished all of my time away. The sudden and startling realization is that while I was busy wishing for this stage or time to pass, I missed the opportunities that I had. Is any stage or time in life better than another, especialy when it is concerning our families? I remember another season long lost in history. It was a time when I was in high school and one of my favorite teachers introduced me to the the motto Carpe Diem- Seize the Day. You know, in a way, that motto is very Biblical. Paul reminds us in Ephesians to make the most of every opportunity, living wisely. The King James version calls it "redeeming the time."
I need to remember to make the most of every opportunity that God gives me today. To enjoy my children, husband and the circumstances I have now. I don't need to wait until just the right moment comes along because that moment may never come. I am to follow God's leading today, right now. So,Carpe Diem, Girls! Sieze this Day!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Toddler Chores
Lots of moms wonder when is the right time for those cute little hands that seem to make tons of messes start with the clean up chores. Well, those cute little hands can begin helping around the house NOW!
Giving yourtoddler a daily chore to complete is a great learning experience and will help to prepare the way for more advanced chores when he is older. It’s never too early to start involving the kids in common household chores.
Even babies can even help. When you are leaving a room with baby in your arms, stop at the light switch and teach him how to turn it on and off as you go in and out of the room.
After diaper changes, give him the diaper as you approach the diaper pail or garbage can and let him drop it into the pail. Toddlers can walk their own diaper to the garbage and drop it in.
Around 2 years, those little ones can do a few more things to be mommy's little helper. When doing laundry, have him pull clothing from dryer to laundry basket. When folding laundry, have him hunt for socks in the basket and place them all together in a pile. Now the chore has become a treasure hunt game and a lesson in grouping like things together. Talk about multi-tasking!
Understand that the little ones are not going to do the chores to mom's exact liking - they will not pass the white glove test or the infamous mother-in-law standards of clean. The point is not that everything is done exactly right, but that they are being trained to help out - builidng expectations. Give lots of praise for a being a helper- It helps them feel BIG!
Other ideas for toddlers include:
Give your little one a dust cloth and have him dust all the tables or baseboards.
Make a homemade, non-toxic cleaning spray of vinegar and water for him to spray on windows and then wipe.
If his drink spills on the floor or table, have him help you wipe it up.
Teach him to place dirty dishes into the sink or on the counter.
Use a small cup into the pet food container and have him scoop food into the pet bowl.
Show him how to water houseplants and pick up any fallen plant leaves and throw them away (all toxic plants should be kept out of the reach of children).
Children can learn very early that everything has a place to belong. Have your child place his dirty clothes in a hamper.
When he is finished playing with his toys have him put them in a basket in his room before he gets out another toy or activity.
After you make his bed, have him put the pillows in place along with any stuffed friends. Around 3, let him start making the bed. Show him how to pull the sheet and blanket up.
Teaching them early to clean up and to help with the chores, not only helps mom out but more importantly, it builds respect for belongings, a sense of pride, responsibility and that they can contribute to the family. All of these things will serve them well as they get older.
Giving yourtoddler a daily chore to complete is a great learning experience and will help to prepare the way for more advanced chores when he is older. It’s never too early to start involving the kids in common household chores.
Even babies can even help. When you are leaving a room with baby in your arms, stop at the light switch and teach him how to turn it on and off as you go in and out of the room.
After diaper changes, give him the diaper as you approach the diaper pail or garbage can and let him drop it into the pail. Toddlers can walk their own diaper to the garbage and drop it in.
Around 2 years, those little ones can do a few more things to be mommy's little helper. When doing laundry, have him pull clothing from dryer to laundry basket. When folding laundry, have him hunt for socks in the basket and place them all together in a pile. Now the chore has become a treasure hunt game and a lesson in grouping like things together. Talk about multi-tasking!
Understand that the little ones are not going to do the chores to mom's exact liking - they will not pass the white glove test or the infamous mother-in-law standards of clean. The point is not that everything is done exactly right, but that they are being trained to help out - builidng expectations. Give lots of praise for a being a helper- It helps them feel BIG!
Other ideas for toddlers include:
Give your little one a dust cloth and have him dust all the tables or baseboards.
Make a homemade, non-toxic cleaning spray of vinegar and water for him to spray on windows and then wipe.
If his drink spills on the floor or table, have him help you wipe it up.
Teach him to place dirty dishes into the sink or on the counter.
Use a small cup into the pet food container and have him scoop food into the pet bowl.
Show him how to water houseplants and pick up any fallen plant leaves and throw them away (all toxic plants should be kept out of the reach of children).
Children can learn very early that everything has a place to belong. Have your child place his dirty clothes in a hamper.
When he is finished playing with his toys have him put them in a basket in his room before he gets out another toy or activity.
After you make his bed, have him put the pillows in place along with any stuffed friends. Around 3, let him start making the bed. Show him how to pull the sheet and blanket up.
Teaching them early to clean up and to help with the chores, not only helps mom out but more importantly, it builds respect for belongings, a sense of pride, responsibility and that they can contribute to the family. All of these things will serve them well as they get older.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
When Does MOPS Begin?
Now that school is underway and moms are back from vacations (well, most of us are- Aloha, to one lucky mom!) I have had moms ask me when does MOPS begin? We officially start the 2nd Tuesday of September. We will meet at Northridge Christian Church from about 9 until 11am on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, September through May. We will have some Mommy and Me outings and some Mommy Nites Out along with offering an exercise session and a scrapbooking session during the week. All of those days and times are still being finalized. These are free - just a donation for the childcare provided. We are sensitive to the fact that families are under lots of fiancial pressures now and we are planning on only collecting the MOPS International membership dues. If you know of any other mom with young children - including those in elementary school-invite them to join us for the meetings or even for the other events we have planned. Moms need to stick together because there is no other more challenging or rewarding role a woman could have in life.
Better Moms Make a Better World
Better Moms Make a Better World
Lunch Notes
Lunches are kind of sad at our house right now. With one little one gone at lunch time, her empty chair screams out how much we miss her noise and laughter during the day. I can only offer a little prayer that she is enjoying good company, a peaceful and good lunch. One of the things that I like to do and it really doesn't take much time in the mornings, once I do a little labor of love beforehand, is to send simple notes to my schoolgirl in her lunch.
These notes can be as simple as cut out hearts, with "Mommy loves you!" written on it. A slip of paper with her favorite princess stickers and "You are my princess-Shine at school today!" is very easy. If you have a good reader, write out a joke on a card like "What do you call a stinky fairy? --Stinkerbelle" Hallmark also has some cute and sweet cards for $0.99, if you are short on creativity, time or need something extra special. I store my lunch notes in a basket on the counter where I assemble lunch. If you have a lunch bin, slip them in the bin with the other lunch making supplies. There are several products you can purchase with preprinted notes and other cute wrappings to send in the lunches such as these with some educational games printed on them at
Other kids and family websites have free printables that you can download and print out to put in the lunch boxes. Lots of them have the kids' favorite characters like Dora, Diego, Backyardigans on them.Check out:
Also, consider when making the sandwiches, cutting them in the same fashion you do when they are at home eating lunch.Better yet, if you have cookie cutters, cut out the sandwich with the cutters. A heart shaped is great all the time to just say, "I love you!" But use leaf shaped ones in the fall, pumpkins in October, and snowmen in January. All of the holiday cutters make the sandwiches more fun and just lets the child know that you care and think about them at lunch when they are away.
If you find the decorative spray paint at craft stores, stock up on their favorite color and some of the holiday colors. It is an easy way to dress up a sandwich - even if it is cut in half as rectangles.
Seasonal cupcake papers fit pretty well in the small plastic lidded bowls. So if you pack fruit, cookies, crackers, veggies in the bowls consider adding a cupcake paper in the bowl first. Pack a fun, colorful or even a seasonal napkin in the lunch. Perhaps wrap a colored fork or spoon in the napkin and seal it shut with a fun sticker. It doesn't take much to add a little fun to lunches and to say in a big way, "I really love you!" What do you do to make lunches more fun for the little ones?
These notes can be as simple as cut out hearts, with "Mommy loves you!" written on it. A slip of paper with her favorite princess stickers and "You are my princess-Shine at school today!" is very easy. If you have a good reader, write out a joke on a card like "What do you call a stinky fairy? --Stinkerbelle" Hallmark also has some cute and sweet cards for $0.99, if you are short on creativity, time or need something extra special. I store my lunch notes in a basket on the counter where I assemble lunch. If you have a lunch bin, slip them in the bin with the other lunch making supplies. There are several products you can purchase with preprinted notes and other cute wrappings to send in the lunches such as these with some educational games printed on them at
Other kids and family websites have free printables that you can download and print out to put in the lunch boxes. Lots of them have the kids' favorite characters like Dora, Diego, Backyardigans on them.Check out:
Also, consider when making the sandwiches, cutting them in the same fashion you do when they are at home eating lunch.Better yet, if you have cookie cutters, cut out the sandwich with the cutters. A heart shaped is great all the time to just say, "I love you!" But use leaf shaped ones in the fall, pumpkins in October, and snowmen in January. All of the holiday cutters make the sandwiches more fun and just lets the child know that you care and think about them at lunch when they are away.
If you find the decorative spray paint at craft stores, stock up on their favorite color and some of the holiday colors. It is an easy way to dress up a sandwich - even if it is cut in half as rectangles.
Seasonal cupcake papers fit pretty well in the small plastic lidded bowls. So if you pack fruit, cookies, crackers, veggies in the bowls consider adding a cupcake paper in the bowl first. Pack a fun, colorful or even a seasonal napkin in the lunch. Perhaps wrap a colored fork or spoon in the napkin and seal it shut with a fun sticker. It doesn't take much to add a little fun to lunches and to say in a big way, "I really love you!" What do you do to make lunches more fun for the little ones?
School Lunches
Back to school means getting that so cool lunch box and the the accessories (lunch boxes no longer come with a thermos). And to be eco-friendly, the plastic sandwich bags are no longer PC so that means more plastic wear in that cabinet that you open with a prayer. All of that could send a mom for her checkbook and just let the kiddos buy their lunch, but then if you got a picky eater that would mean a waste of $1.75 a day and a ravenous kid to feed when you get home. So how does a mom make lunch at school a little more fun? Well, first go ahead and let the kids pick out their lunch box and some of the accessories like the color of the sandwich keeper or a water bottle to match the lunchbox.
Then it is time for mom to swing into action. Lunch making at 6 in the am is not fun-Why mom hasn't even had her first cup of coffee and she is thinking chips or crackers? Yuck! So think menu planning instead. If you plan dinner menus for the week, just add lunch to the list (consider adding breakfast, too). If you have the list of ideas and have shopped for the menu ahead of time, then putting the lunches together is easy and not nauseating at the wee hours of the morning. Once you get a couple of weeks of menus planned, then you can simply rotate them throughout the year. When putting the menus together, consider the eaters. Do you have a kid that hates lunch meat but eats only peanut butter? Do you have a kid that really loves grapes or some other fruit? Will they eat leftovers or something besides sandwiches? Plan the menus to tailor the eaters. Simple enough- we do it at home each day, but there is something about doing this early in the morning and packing it to go that makes lunch making the challenge that it is.
Consider that this is also an added morning routine. How can this routine be more simplified? What about creating a lunch bin. Use a plastic storage container - a little larger than a plastic shoebox or use a basket- whatever works best for you. Put the bread, peanut butter, chips, cookies, sandwich keepers, napkins, all the nonperishable items together in the container and store in the pantry. In the morning or even the night before, pull it out and get started.
If you can make the sandwiches the night before, fill the cups with the fruit, have the veggies washed and cut and perhaps packaged before you go to bed, even better. But really? Another meal prep after battling all the excuses not to go to bed? This mom doesn't think so.
You know, I sure do wish I had my Hobbie Holly lunch box! What cool lunch box did you have as a kid?
Then it is time for mom to swing into action. Lunch making at 6 in the am is not fun-Why mom hasn't even had her first cup of coffee and she is thinking chips or crackers? Yuck! So think menu planning instead. If you plan dinner menus for the week, just add lunch to the list (consider adding breakfast, too). If you have the list of ideas and have shopped for the menu ahead of time, then putting the lunches together is easy and not nauseating at the wee hours of the morning. Once you get a couple of weeks of menus planned, then you can simply rotate them throughout the year. When putting the menus together, consider the eaters. Do you have a kid that hates lunch meat but eats only peanut butter? Do you have a kid that really loves grapes or some other fruit? Will they eat leftovers or something besides sandwiches? Plan the menus to tailor the eaters. Simple enough- we do it at home each day, but there is something about doing this early in the morning and packing it to go that makes lunch making the challenge that it is.
Consider that this is also an added morning routine. How can this routine be more simplified? What about creating a lunch bin. Use a plastic storage container - a little larger than a plastic shoebox or use a basket- whatever works best for you. Put the bread, peanut butter, chips, cookies, sandwich keepers, napkins, all the nonperishable items together in the container and store in the pantry. In the morning or even the night before, pull it out and get started.
If you can make the sandwiches the night before, fill the cups with the fruit, have the veggies washed and cut and perhaps packaged before you go to bed, even better. But really? Another meal prep after battling all the excuses not to go to bed? This mom doesn't think so.
You know, I sure do wish I had my Hobbie Holly lunch box! What cool lunch box did you have as a kid?
Parenting Tips
Teaching Children to Affirm in Conversation
Many children don't know how to listen without thinking about the next thing they want to say. Or if they do listen, they make statements like, "I know," or "I can do it better than that." Instead, teach children to affirm others in conversation. It's part of learning what it means to be a servant. Listening can be hard work. It requires that children think of the other person, not just of themselves.
Children can say, "I agree" or "You're right." Instead of launching into their own version of the story, teach them to encourage the other person first. "That must have been exciting," or "You saw a fun thing." Good responses in conversation are "Oh," "That's interesting," or to ask a question. Conversation can be self-serving or others-serving.
If your children continually talk and rarely listen, encourage them to affirm the last thing you said before they begin talking. Affirming others' speech is a skill that children will use forever and it helps them address a little of their own selfishness now. Furthermore, it makes conversations with children more pleasant and enjoyable.
This tip comes from the chapter on teaching siblings to honor in the book, Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes, In You and Your Kids by Dr Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN.
Many children don't know how to listen without thinking about the next thing they want to say. Or if they do listen, they make statements like, "I know," or "I can do it better than that." Instead, teach children to affirm others in conversation. It's part of learning what it means to be a servant. Listening can be hard work. It requires that children think of the other person, not just of themselves.
Children can say, "I agree" or "You're right." Instead of launching into their own version of the story, teach them to encourage the other person first. "That must have been exciting," or "You saw a fun thing." Good responses in conversation are "Oh," "That's interesting," or to ask a question. Conversation can be self-serving or others-serving.
If your children continually talk and rarely listen, encourage them to affirm the last thing you said before they begin talking. Affirming others' speech is a skill that children will use forever and it helps them address a little of their own selfishness now. Furthermore, it makes conversations with children more pleasant and enjoyable.
This tip comes from the chapter on teaching siblings to honor in the book, Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes, In You and Your Kids by Dr Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Back to School
Summer is ending and kids are heading back to school. Now for lots of mommies this is a huge "HURRAH!" But for this mommy, it is conflict. I love my children and cherish the fact that I have children and they are so great! I know they need to go to school and to experience independence and learn things that are better taught by other educators. But I also like having them under my wings. I can protect them a little better. So this week as I watch my oldest march proudly into "big school", I say a little prayer for her safety and her education. Then I take my youngest home with me for his last year of mommy time. My challenge is to enjoy each day with each of them because I know very well that before I am ready they will be packing up pillows, a favorite stuffed friend from today and lots of future memories and heading off to college and life will change again. So "HURRAH!" for school and all the adventures it holds for my little ones's life but "SOBS!" for days past when I didn't embrace or cherish my time with the little ones. So say a prayer or two today for your little ones - the ones still at home and the ones heading to "Big School" and praise God for the time you have with each of them. Jesus' Mommy, Mary, "cherished all these things in her heart." I don't know if she totally understood all the ramifications of raising God's Son, but I bet she knew He was special and was going to experience lots of trials but also do some AWESOME things. So it is with our own kids- so cherish each child and each day.
Now to dry my eyes and figure out how to handle school life. Lunches, uniforms, homework. Yes, Kindergarten has homework now. More Back to School ideas to come.
Now to dry my eyes and figure out how to handle school life. Lunches, uniforms, homework. Yes, Kindergarten has homework now. More Back to School ideas to come.
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About Me

- ml4estsmommy
- I am a very blessed SAHM. I am blessed with an abundant amount of grace from my Creator and Savior. He has blessed me with an amazing man as my life long best friend, husband and father of our two precious gifts of energy and life. My days are full with the activities of homekeeping, and the joys and adventures of two healthy and energetic kiddos. I am basking in His grace daily.